6 Simple Ways To Improve Quality Score Of Keywords For Contextual Advertising

6 Simple Ways to Improve Quality Score of Keywords for Contextual Advertising

The quality score is determined at the keyword level. Search engine sees a keyword and then explores landing to determine its compliance with keywords. At this point the author of the landing page can "help" the search engine to see this match. How should one do this? Read these tips.

Search engines tend to give out promotional messages that correspond to a user’s request as precise as possible. The relevance of landing to a request is being an axiom in the world of SEO. But when it comes to pay per click, this is often forgotten.

By using landing optimization techniques listed in this article, everyone will be able to set up a landing page for needed keywords. And this, as we all know, will help to improve the quality score of landing and bring the cost per click down.

1. Create Multiple Landing Pages

Each keyword must comply with its own landing page. When it comes to promoting "widgets for Android», the search engine should find the landing page with "widgets for Android». If the search engine has received the request "widgets in the style of Windows Phone 7," the landing page must demonstrate "widgets in the style of Windows Phone 7." More often, the software to create a landing page allows you to create a template where it is possible to insert the desired titles, images and text. Pertinency is very important, so you should not be lazy. The more accurate the message of the landing page is correlated with keywords, the more positive is the user experience. But this is only one side. For the search system this fact doesn’t mean less: the maximum correspondence shows to the search engine that the proposed landing page fully complies with the request.

keywords for landing pages

2. Pick The Appropriate Text

The text message on the landing page should meet the search criteria to the uttermost. This seems obvious, but in the process of work the obvious often fades into insignificance. As in case of SEO, there must be present a certain keyword density. In other words, if the text on the landing page corresponds the query, then it corresponds to the landing page itself. By providing multiple occurrences of keywords, the owner of the landing page solves 2 problems. Foremost, users see that the webpage matches the query. Secondly, the search engine is confident in the same way: if the company sells widgets for Android and the user is looking for them, the landing page is relevant to the request.

keywords on page

3. Pay Special Attention To H-tags

The heading tags are the important part of the text on the webpage. They are highlighted in a larger font and should contain keywords, which are used for the promotion. The presence of keywords in the title as if tells Google that these words are important enough. That’s why they are allocated highlighted in a larger font. On the other hand, the headlines attract the attention of users when they click on the link to go to the landing page. Title tags can have different levels: from H1 to H6. H1 is the highest level of the hierarchy and H6 is respectively, the lowest. The best way to create the text is to use one H1 header and after that - any number of headers from H2 to H6 with the needed sequence. Creating the landing page, it’s better not to put the H2 tag above H1 tag in the HTML-code.

tags on page

4. ALT Text: Teach Your Pictures How To "Talk"

Search engines cannot read images. Therefore, the author of the landing page should give them corresponding descriptions. Such a description using the keywords must be inserted to ALT Text to the image posted on the landing page. For example, if we are talking about widgets for Android, their image should be presented on the landing page. Then by clicking on advertisement, the user of the search engine will see the text which is dedicated to widgets for Android, the headlines concerning widgets for Android, as well as pictures illustrating widgets for Android. All the information of the landing page clearly fits the topic and it has a positive impact on the search user experience. That's why when creating a landing page you should find the time to write ALT Text - alas, but the search engine is not able to appreciate the beauty of the images picked up by the author of the landing page. But it can "read" the pictures.

tag alt for images

5. Pay Attention To The Metadata

Focusing on the metadata, the search engine "reads" the data from the HTML data in the webpage description including its name, description of the webpages and the keywords. It is important to use keywords in meta description and titles in the landing page. And although Google stated that the meta keywords did not matter for its search system any longer, all SEO experts continue to adhere to the old practice. Meta tags indicate the content of the webpage to the search system. How does it look like? Special programs will help to spot the meta data on the website.

meta-tags for page

6. Increase The Speed Of Webpages Load Time

If a user of the search engine returns to the search results too quickly, it means that for some reason he was not satisfied with the webpage on which he originally passed. That's why the author of the landing page is interested in having the high load speed. There are two ways to achieve this. Firstly, it is needed to reduce the size of an image and reduce the number of images on the webpage. Secondly, it is needed to pay attention to the weight of the landing page code. The size and number of images is only one side. It is also important to make sure that the scripts of the webpage are stored in different files and are associated with each other without any errors. Such webpage is loaded faster than the landing page where the scripts are registered in one heavy file.

load speed


If you follow the six tips above you can significantly improve the "visibility" of the landing page by search engines. You can immediately optimize all the landing pages, or conduct an experiment by editing some of them. As a result, a search engine user can get a positive search experience and the owner of the landing page, in turn, will make your campaign more directed, improve the quality of the landing page and reduce the cost per click.